Services with pharmacists

Quickly get an online appointment with a pharmacist!

Did you know that you can consult a pharmacist directly to get treatment? If you do not have access to a pharmacist near you, we have the solution! With the Bonjour-santé membership, get an appointment with Medzy ❙ Pharmacie Sonia Boutin inc. and its affiliated pharmacists who will assess your condition online and send you a prescription, if needed, right to your doorstep!

Here is the list of services provided by pharmacists with a Bonjour-santé membership:

Prescription extension

The prescription extension service offered by Medzy pharmacists provides chronic condition care for patients who need to extend their prescription AND who do not have a family doctor or are in a situation where their doctor is unavailable in the near future ( ex.: maternity leave, illness).

Urinary tract infection (UTI)

Quickly address your urinary tract infection with Medzy pharmacists. They will listen to your needs, make a diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate medication.

Female contraception

Find the best method of contraception for you in just a few steps, with the support of Medzy pharmacists. They will prepare a prescription, which can be delivered to your home in just a few days.

Minor acne

Minor acne (without nodules or pustules) is an inflammatory skin problem that affects many individuals and is triggered by various factors, including hormonal and microbial changes. Medzy pharmacists can help you get the treatment you need.

Atopic dermatitis (eczema)

You suffer from very dry skin, red patches, itching, oozing, thickening of the skin, etc? Talk to Medzy pharmacists to receive appropriate treatment.

Women’s sexual health

Do not wait any longer and take the necessary precautions by consulting a Medzy pharmacist for diagnosis and treatment.

Herpes labialis

Did you know that you can consult a Medzy pharmacist for treatment? Also known as cold sores, herpes labialis is a contagious infection that requires special treatment to prevent the onset and reduce the intensity of symptoms.


If you experience mild to moderate nausea and vomiting, whether or not you are pregnant, the Medzy pharmacist can prescribe a treatment to alleviate your symptoms.

Traveller's diarrhea

If you are planning to travel to a country at risk of developing traveler's diarrhea or are suffering from symptoms upon your return, talk to a Medzy pharmacist, who can advise you and prescribe a treatment if necessary.


Need support with your weight loss? Medzy pharmacists specialise in weight loss and obesity, and can help you with a dedicated program offering support and follow-up throughout your weight loss journey.  


If you suffer from hypertension (high blood pressure), the Medzy pharmacist can help you control your condition by monitoring your blood pressure and the effectiveness of your treatment.  

Attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity (ADHD)

Have you been diagnosed with ADHD? The Medezy pharmacist can assess the accuracy of your dosage, review it if needed and carefully monitor the effectiveness of your treatment. They can also offer advice on side effects and drug interactions.  


If you are suffering from depression, the Medzy pharmacist can review your dosage, adjust it if required and closely monitor the effectiveness of your treatment. They can also offer advice on side effects and drug interactions. 


Have you been diagnosed with anxiety? The Medzy pharmacist can check whether your medication dosage is appropriate, revise it if required and monitor whether your treatment is working well. The pharmacist can also offer advice on side effects and drug interactions.

Chronic disease management

Medzy pharmacists provide comprehensive care. As medication experts, they offer personalised advice on treatments, monitor their effectiveness and adjust dosages if needed. They also answer questions about side effects and drug interactions to ensure your safety.

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