your health portal
Bonjour-santé: your health portal

Cannot find a medical appointment?

We find an appointment in more than 85% of cases!
Bonjour-santé, much more than just for booking appointments!
Let us search for appointments for you.
Search for all your medical appointments
Talk to a pharmacist
Analyse your dermatological conditions online
Talk to a nurse
Anxiety, addiction, insomnia, adjustment disorder and irritability
Find an appointment for all your specialised tests
Search for appointments with specialists
Consult a nutritionist
Private services with exclusive discounts for Bonjour-santé members
Consult a specialist nurse practitioner
Let’s talk ADHD
Schedule a consultation with a social worker
Get screened quickly for an STBBI
See a specialist without a doctor's referral
Get an emergency appointment in less than 24 hours
Patient Testimonials
+ 3.5 millions
every year
+ than 1,000
specialists in the
Bonjour-santé network
+ than 300
employees dedicated to driving
innovation in healthcare
Cannot find a medical appointment? We'll search for you!
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